Member Perspectives on 3MSP in New York City

Member Perspectives on 3MSP in New York City

By Alfred Meyer John Reuwer, Ann Suellentrop, Magritte Gordaneer, and Alfred Meyer This blog post is intended to give you a sense of what citizen activism is achieving  — the TPNW grew out of a proverbial ‘small group of dedicated people wanting to change the world,’...
Urgent action: Community health and engagement must be a priority

Urgent action: Community health and engagement must be a priority

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has been a valuable mechanism for public participation since 1970. This law requires the federal government to inform community members of the potential environmental impacts of a project and get feedback from the people on...
Our Planet, Our Health: 2025 Climate Action Convention was a success!

Our Planet, Our Health: 2025 Climate Action Convention was a success!

Earlier this month, the Our Planet, Our Health 2025 Climate Action Convention was held in Washington, DC. PSR National was honored to be a part of the Planning Committee to help make this more than 300 attendee convention a success. In collaboration with the Medical...
PSR Delegation Attends the TPNW 3MSP in New York!

PSR Delegation Attends the TPNW 3MSP in New York!

During the first week of March, PSR participated in the Third Meeting of States Parties (3MSP) to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) at the United Nations in New York City. PSR’s delegation joined leaders, advocates, and survivors to advance the...
Three Draft LANL SWEIS Public Comment Preparation Workshops

Three Draft LANL SWEIS Public Comment Preparation Workshops Public comments for the draft Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operations at Los Alamos National Laboratory are currently due on Thursday, April 10th.  Tewa Women United,...