ANA DC Days 2024 took place in-person on May 19-22, 2024.

Scroll below to find materials about DC Days, including training materials and other information about meetings.

We know that our weapons, waste, and cleanup issues are very important now, thank you for your interest and participation in DC Days!

ANA hosted the 35th annual DC Days in Washington, DC on April 23-26, 2023.

ANA’s 2022 and 2021 DC Days events were hosted virtually.

During Virtual DC Days, ANA had high-level meetings with key congressional and administration officials via zoom. We used our traditional meeting format of a team leader, participants, and notetaker(s), as well as a zoom manager, and many non-speaking observers of the meetings.

Congress and the Biden administration especially need to hear from many of us as we seek a nuclear-free future that safeguards our communities and our environment.

2022 DC Days materials & resources

2021 DC Days materials & resources