[“Burning Money” image by Gene Case/Avenging Angels. It was featured on the cover of The Nation magazine in 2003, accompanying an article by  Christian Parenti about the George W. Bush/Dick Cheney attempted nuclear power relapse.] TRUMP Bailouts Continue to Flow  ...


TMI, 46 YEARS ON Restart Despite Past Disaster?! On March 28, 1979, Three Mile Island (TMI) Unit 2 in Pennsylvania had a 50% meltdown (pictured), the worst commercial reactor disaster in U.S. history. Ignoring that cautionary tale, Constellation schemes to restart...

How a Cheap Drone Punctured Chernobyl’s 40,000-Ton Shield

[Photo: Still image/screen grab taken from a handout video provided by the UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SERVICE] The steel shell that encloses the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster was built to endure for a century. But war was a scenario its engineers never...

ZOMBIE NUKE?! Coalition Opposes Duane Arnold

ZOMBIE NUKE?! Coalition Opposes Duane Arnold NextEra’s Fukushima twin design reactor in Iowa closed for good after a close call with catastrophe in August 2020. A direct hit by 140 mile per hour derecho winds not only damaged the cooling towers, but also caused a loss...

SMR-300s: Not Small, Mythical Reactors

[Yard sign design by Michigan Safe Energy Future-Kalamazoo Chapter and Shut Down Palisades Campaign. Photo by Kevin Kamps.] SMR-300s Not Small, Mythical Reactors Beyond Nuclear and Don’t Waste Michigan did battle with Holtec over so-called “Small Modular Reactor”...