Staff / Board


Ashish Sinha - Program Director

Ashish Sinha serves as ANA’s Program Director in Washington DC. Previously, Ashish worked at Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) as Program Manager of the Security Program. Ashish organized national grassroots campaigns, speaker tours, phone banks, and coordinated action with national and local partner organizations.  Before starting at PSR, Ashish worked as a field organizer and director on several campaigns including Obama’s campaign in Virginia. Previously, he was at the World Health Organization’s Department of Violence and Injuries Prevention and worked as a research assistant on international security and public health topics at the University of British Columbia.  You can contact Ashish directly at


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Bob Schaeffer has served as public education consultant and strategic planning facilitator for the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability since 1990.  In addition to coordinating the network’s media communications activities, he has led several dozen training sessions for ANA member groups around the country and in Washington, DC.  In the course of this work, he has visited all the communities downwind and downstream from U.S. nuclear weapons research, testing and production facilities and toured nearly every Department of Energy weapons complex facility. 


Bruce Stedman, ANA’s Development Director, has 36 years of experience in environmental affairs with skills in fundraising and philanthropy, executive management, mediation, and policy planning; he has worked in fund-raising for 28 years on both sides of the philanthropic relationship.  Bruce has been the executive at five environmental and conservation non-profit organizations, the proposal “shepherd” at a national mediation NGO, and the managing director of the $6.25M Citizens’ Monitoring and Technical Assessment Fund (a nuclear weapons-related court settlement fund).  Trained at University of Washington and MIT, Bruce Stedman has taught dispute resolution, environmental affairs, and conservation biology at Harvard, MIT, Tufts and Western Washington Universities.   

Board of Directors

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Jay Coghlan, Executive Director of Nuclear Watch New Mexico, has worked on Department of Energy nuclear weapons and environmental issues for 25 years. Early on, he helped initiate campaigns that stopped radioactive incineration and an advanced plutonium facility at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). He has been central to efforts that successfully obtained national public review of the nuclear weapons complex, an injunction against construction of an advanced nuclear weapons design facility, and a federal court ruling that LANL had been out of compliance with the Clean Air Act for over six years. He initiated litigation that resulted in a $6.25 million settlement fund that supported citizen and tribal studies of DOE cleanup issues. He successfully asked Senator Jeff Bingaman to legislatively mandate independent expert review of the reliable lifetimes of plutonium pits, the radioactive cores of nuclear weapons. Coghlan has fought against major new plutonium facilities for nuclear weapons at Los Alamos and elsewhere for 25 years, so far successfully.

Sharon Cowdrey

Sharon Cowdrey is President of Miamisburg Environmental Safety and Health, a local grassroots group working on environmental issues associated with the Mound Nuclear Weapons Facility in Miamisburg, Ohio.  She serves on numerous committees with the city of Miamisburg and the Mound Facility.  In addition, she has a bachelor’s degree in nursing and has been a R. N. for almost 30 years in surgical intensive care.


Courtney Hanson is the Director of Organizing and Communication at Georgia Women’s Action for New Directions. Courtney oversees Georgia WAND’s communication and outreach strategy and is the lead organizer for Georgia WAND’s environmental justice campaigns. Courtney coordinates community and partner organizations to move forward their work building power in communities near the Savannah River Site and other toxic areas in Georgia as well as advocating for cleanup and disarmament. Courtney earned a B.A. in Journalism and B.S. in Psychology with a focus on Gender Studies from Loyola University Chicago. She also serves on the Board of Directors of WRFG 89.3 fm community radio in Atlanta where she co-hosts the Progressive News Hour each Monday.

Ralph Hutchison

Ralph Hutchison has served as coordinator of the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance since 1990. Ralph lives in Knoxville, TN with two daughters and four cats. He serves on the Greater Knoxville Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission, the Knoxville Interfaith Committee on Conscience and War, and the Board of Children’s International Summer Villages. He has served on an EPA advisory committee which made recommendations about public involvement in cleaning up contaminated federal facilities, and on the state of Tennessee’s Oak Ridge Health Agreement Steering Panel.

Judith Mohling

Judith Mohling has been a peace, justice and anti-nuclear activist for 35 years. She is on the board and staff of the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center in Boulder, CO and focuses on disarmament and nuclear waste issues. She coordinates volunteers and develops monthly programs on these issues. She has a MA in counseling, is a licensed professional counselor and has been a psychotherapist in private practice for 20 years.

Seth Tuler

Seth Tuler, Ph.D, is a Senior Researcher at the Social and Environmental Research Institute in Greenfield, MA. He has conducted numerous studies and written about public involvement in clean-up, public health activities, and the design and monitoring of institutional controls for contaminated sites. From 2003 to 2006 he served on the National Academy of Science’s Committee on Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel.

Rick Wayman

Rick Wayman is Director of Programs & Operations at the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF) in Santa Barbara, CA, which engages in public education and advocacy around the United States for the abolition of nuclear weapons. He is a graduate of Marquette University’s College of Business Administration and has a Masters Degree in Non-Profit Management and Political Advocacy from the School for International Training. Rick began working on nuclear issues as an intern and later as Press & Communications Officer with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the UK before moving to California in 2007 to join NAPF.