Use your social media to amplify this internationally coordinated message!
The global action runs through Sunday, September 22 (or Monday, if you need the extra day).
Coordinated by ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, the message (#NoMoneyforNuclearWeapons) is coming forth this weekend from all continents, all people, all ages, and one aspiration – to rid the world of nuclear weapons, no exceptions.
The action is inspired by ICAN’s 2024 report documenting that global expenditures for nuclear weapons last year topped $90 billion, which is more than $2,800 every second.
Here is what you are being asked to do now: On whichever social media platforms you use, tell your friends, followers, and the world…
- That more than $90 billion each year is being spent on nuclear weapons globally.
- That nuclear weapons must be abolished before they abolish us.
- How you would choose to spend $90 billion instead. Hunger? Health care? Schooling? Clean air? Clean water? Climate justice? Something else?
- Include the hash tag, #NoMoneyforNuclearWeapons, and, if you can, also tag @nuclearban
Tri-Valley CAREs is a longstanding member organization of ICAN. Join us in actions throughout the year to prevent new nuclear warheads, demand environmental justice for nuclear harms that have been done, and act for their abolition globally to ensure the future of all beings and our mother the Earth. More info at